The Site
You have sucessfully navigated your web browser to Congratulations. Here you will find a smattering of information and photos and other details about Paul and Laura Cooley generated for you the internet users, our friends. Enjoy.
And if you are one of those see it to believe it sort of people, I'd advise you to look for the latest photos off of Laura's site she has been doing a better job of uploading new pictures.
It just so happens that in the vast universe of content, blogging has become an easy delivery mechanism. We've adopted it. You will probably find the more updated information at:
Linux Lore
A technical blog with content supplied from the mind of Paul Cooley.
This is a spot where I've tried to articulate and document how to solve some of
the day to day problems in my technical world. The concept started from
an idea to document my setup and configuration so that if the inevitable hard
drive crash causes a reset to the beginning, I might hope to get back to
running. Then I thought the world might like the same documents and Linux
Lore was born.
Zee or Zed
A more touchy, feely blog where the important things in life are discussed and photos of the day and the Life of Laura and Paul is presented to you. Both Laura and Paul share the distribution of content here. It is here that you will get to peer into the depths of our minds as we relate the deep insights we have arrived at. Mind you, don't expect to be particularly astounded as it might just be what a kitten did that was cute.
Our Marriage
Paul and Laura Cooley
Not long ago in the land of Richmond, British Columbia,
Canada, Laura and Paul were wed. This was a day for sunshine,
family, friends, pleasantries and vows. It was a morning wedding and a
brunch to follow -- we do still love brunch. It was a wonderful time and
we look back on it with fondness. However, this was just a the beginning
of the Love. Everyday it is getting a little stronger, I (Paul) say it is
thanks to the wonderful person Laura is; her strength, courage, wisdom, and
love far surpasses anything I knew back on the day this photo was taken.